What people are saying.
“At times the pain is more than I can handle, but I'm so thankful to 'Ortho Rub' for reducing the inflammation and removing the pain in the knee and shoulder. Best of all, it's convenient size makes it easy to carry around while I'm on the go. The natural oils are an added bonus and smell fabulous.” Lisa Martinez USA
“I had developed a Ganglion Cyst on my left hand near my wrist. After the regular massage of Ortho Rub, the cyst has disappeared.” Mrs A Irwin, Queensland
“I have Arthritis on my knees, and have previously tried other pain killer supplements. On applying Ortho Rub at night before bed, and after the morning shower, my knees are feeling much better, and now I do not need to take any other pain killers.” Mrs Mohite, India
“After a morning of boot camp, my quads were aching terribly. On applying Sports Massage Oil, I was able to sleep well and on waking realized I was able to move freely without any pain. Thanks to Sports Massage Oil.” J.Green, Melbourne
“For the last twenty years my right knee has had, 2 knee reconstructions, 1 cartilage reconstruction, countless clean outs, so if you can image, I suffer from arthritic pain. The pain has not allowed me to play sport for a number of years and recently taking up tennis, I was faced with the proposition of playing one day and then having 1 weeks worth of pain to deal with. With skepticism I tried Ortho Rub.
After using the product for one month, I can honestly recommend this product, it works. I can play one day and have no issues the next day, no pain, no swelling.
I have even brought the Ortho Rub for family and friends to use and its worked for them.” L. Schipani, Adelaide
“I regularly have tension headaches. Tension Relief is my first port of call, for a gently massage into the temples and forehead, provides immediate relief.” S. Rane, Canberra
“I played football on the saturday and got a knee in the quad it caused my quad to swell up and was finding it difficult to walk Sunday and Monday. Applied the OrthoRub on the Monday morning and twice in the afternoon and was playing basketball by Monday evening.” A. Mcgown, Melbourne
“At a recent BBQ, my wife and I were bitten by a few insects. We were surprised at the relief after applying Itch Relief” Pat Brady, Victoria